Some Years I am All About the Free Bananas

One of my favorite team names is Devin’s Got Guts. This is because it works two ways: Devin is incomparably brave. He is also the proud owner of someone else's guts. Now imagine about a hundred of these teams getting together to walk 3 miles and you have the New Jersey Sharing Network annual 5K Celebration of Life.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Pills

People will sometimes ask me: What was the most difficult part of transplant caregiving? There are very many different answers to that question. But, the most technically challenging part? The pills, by far. The pills still give me shudders. Why, you ask? Because what you soon realize – oh, newly minted amateur pharmacist! – is that there is a very real chance you can screw up and kill someone. And that is something you very much want to avoid.

Today I am 40

Every five years I write a birthday note to myself. This is 40: Today I am 40. Today I declare what I don’t like: insincerity and conversations about the weather. Today I don’t mind the wrinkle on my forehead because I earned it from pondering.